Parsippany Assault Offenses
Assault Lawyers in Parsippany NJ

Assault Lawyer Parsippany
Charges for assault happen all the time when tensions arise between spouses, dating couples, friends, roommates, neighbors, and perfect strangers. When a heated argument turns into a physical altercation or a threat of immediate injury is made in Parsippany, New Jersey, one or more of the people involved may be charged with assault. There are two different types of assault and the one that applies in your case will be determined by the specific circumstances. Charges for simple assault typically occur when the injury is less severe or when two people engage in a mutual fight. On the other hand, aggravated assault charges apply when the subject of the assault is a police officer or the victim suffers serious physical damage. Whether your alleged assault offense is simple assault or aggravated assault in Parsippany, the repercussions of a guilty verdict can be devastating. Not only is your character in question, but you may be sentenced to prison, crippling fines, anger management counseling, probation, and a permanent restraining order against you.
The experienced criminal defense attorneys at The Tormey Law Firm have seen the full gamut of assault cases in Morris County, including the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills. Our legal team includes a former Morris County prosecutor and former municipal court prosecutor who know how the state attempts to prove assault. Combine this with extensive experience in the realm of assault defense in New Jersey and you have a powerhouse team with the skills to best handle your case. An attorney is available immediately to discuss your specific simple assault or aggravated assault charges in Parsippany, NJ. Call (908) 336-5008 for a free confidential consultation and get the answers you need today.
Charged with Simple Assault in Parsippany, New Jersey
Simple assault offenses are explained in N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1(a). According to this statute, simple assault occurs when the actor purposefully or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person, uses a deadly weapon negligently and causes bodily injury, attempts to cause bodily injury, or through their conduct puts the victim in fear of immediate serious injury. Simple assault is a disorderly persons offense, which is New Jersey’s version of a misdemeanor. A charge for simple assault carries up to $1,000 in fines and a jail term of up to 6 months. It also means you will have a criminal conviction of your record that you cannot remove through the expungement process for a minimum of 5 years. A simple assault charge in Parsippany will be handled in the Parsippany Municipal Court and decided by the presiding judge. For more information about simple assault offenses, visit the following page.
Aggravated Assault Charge in Parsippany-Troy Hills
If you have been arrested for aggravated assault, this is an indictable crime in New Jersey, also known as a felony offense. Aggravated assault charges are variable in terms of their grading, meaning this offense can be classified as a second degree, third degree, or fourth degree crime depending on the situation. The sentencing range for aggravated assault under N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1(b) includes a minimum of 18 months in state prison (fourth degree) and a maximum of 10 years of incarceration (second degree). Regardless of the degree of your aggravated assault charge in Parsippany, your case will be adjudicated in the Morris County Superior Court in Morristown, NJ. Since aggravated assault is a felony, your case will go before a grand jury for potential indictment. If you are indicted for aggravated assault, you will have the opportunity to decide to enter into a plea agreement with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office or proceed to trial. If you choose to try the case, you should enlist an experienced criminal defense attorney who regularly appears in Morris County Criminal Court. The criminal defense lawyers at The Tormey Law Firm have the knowledge and skill required to fight for a not guilty verdict in your aggravated assault case. Our team includes a former Morris County Prosecutor who knows the way the prosecution constructs its case, which helps us to devise the most effective defense strategies.
Parsippany Assault Defense Attorneys
The degree of the assault charges you’re facing in Parsippany are less critical than the decision you make about hiring and experienced attorney to defend you. Regardless of whether you have been arrested for simple assault or aggravated assault, you are inevitably exposed to jail time and a criminal record if convicted. Assault cases are taken very seriously in both Parsippany Municipal Court and Morris County Superior Court. If your case involves a domestic violence component, a disorderly persons offense or indictable assault crime may be accompanied by a temporary restraining order.
The experienced attorneys at The Tormey Law Firm handle every aspect of assault cases in Parsippany and Morris County and we are here to help. Contact us now at (908) 336-5008 to speak with a lawyer who is well-versed in New Jersey assault law and can guide you through the process moving forward. We can be reached anytime and an attorney is available immediately to provide you with a free consultation.