Rockaway Township DWI Attorney
If you have been charged with DWI in Rockaway Township, NJ, you may be wondering what happens next and how to avoid the serious consequences you’re facing. With a conviction for driving while intoxicated comes suspension of your driver’s license which can range from a minimum period until you install an interlock device on your vehicle to up to 8 years depending on the circumstances of your case. You may also be fined anywhere from $250 to $1,000, plus other court costs and motor vehicle surcharges. These financial burdens come in addition to the fact that your insurance payments may significantly increase. New Jersey also punishes drunk driving offenders with jail time ranging from 2 days to 6 months. Other possible components of your sentence for DWI include community service, mandatory attendance at an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center, and an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. While all of this looms large, Rockaway DWI charges can be successfully fought in a variety of ways as long as you have a skilled DWI defense attorney who is willing and able to examine every element of the State’s case against you. The renowned team of DWI lawyers at The Tormey Law Firm are known for their commitment to going the extra mile for clients charged with driving under the influence in New Jersey. We will do everything we can to find the best defense opportunities in your case in order to help you avoid a conviction for DWI in the Township of Rockaway. Contact us anytime at (908) 336-5008 for a free discussion with an attorney who can help.
Arrested for DWI in Rockaway, New Jersey
If you are arrested for drunk driving in Rockaway Township, you are among hundreds of people who find themselves in the same position every year. Rockaway has numerous major roadways that service the area, including Route 46, Interstate 80, and County Route 513. Over 122 miles of roads traverse the township and with over 24,000 people, local and New Jersey State police count on the likelihood that at least some people will be driving under the influence. Since DWI enforcement is high in Rockaway, you may be charged with driving while intoxicated for being even slightly over the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If you do, in fact, have a run in with the law for drunk driving, there are a number of things that should be examined when attacking your case. First, was the probable cause for the initial traffic stop valid? If the probable cause for the initial traffic stop was not valid, then the entire case will be dismissed as “fruit of the poisonous tree” based on that illegal traffic stop. Second, we will examine the field sobriety tests to determine if their was reasonable suspicion to arrest you for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs. These tests are standardized so we will examine if the police officer’s properly instructed you on the tests, demonstrated the tests for you, and then properly graded you on the performance of those tests.
If your charges are for refusing to provide a breath sample, there is an attorney general standard statement form that must be read to you with regard to your DWI arrest. It informs you of your rights and the penalties involved and that you must submit samples of your breath or be charged with DWI refusal. If the proper form was not read to you, then the refusal charge should be dismissed. In addition, if you do not understand English, the refusal form must be read to you in a language that you understand, otherwise the refusal charge cannot stand. Finally, there are two parts to the refusal form. If the second part of the form is not read to a defendant, then the elements of the refusal are not complete and the refusal charge should be dismissed. As you can see, theses are just a few examples of the potential defenses that can be used to win your DWI case in Roxbury, New Jersey.
DWI Defense Lawyers in Rockaway NJ
The technicalities involved in DWI prosecutions in New Jersey are immense, which is all the more reason to have an experienced DWI attorney crafting your best defense. The DWI defense team at The Tormey Law Firm includes an Alcotest Certified DWI Lawyer, a Standardized Field Sobriety Test Instructor, a former New Jersey State Trooper who taught at the police academy, and a former DWI prosecutor in Morris County. We combine experience with all facets of DWI law in New Jersey to formulate creative and highly effective ways to combat drunk driving charges against our clients. For more information and a free initial consultation about your DWI in Rockaway, contact our office at 908-336-5008. You can also check out one of our many DUI dismissals in Rockaway Township Municipal Court here.