Pre-Indictment Conference in Morris County, NJ
Morristown Early Disposition Conference (EDC) Lawyers

Pre-Indictment Conference in Morris County NJ
A felony arrest in Morris County, New Jersey, is not always an automatic indictment and trial in court. A pre-indictment conference is an opportunity for the State and the defense to discuss an attempt to resolve the case before it is presented to a grand jury for an indictment. During this critical stage of your criminal case, it is absolutely essential to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can aggressively advocate on your behalf. At The Tormey Law Firm, our experienced Morristown criminal defense attorneys ensure the prosecutor has sufficient evidence to move forward in your case. We take advantage of the prosecutor’s need to reduce overcrowding, which could mean avoiding trial for our clients by negotiating for a downgraded charge, an outright dismissal, or a favorable plea agreement. Once the State notifies our clients of a pre-indictment conference in Morris County Superior Court, our lawyers take every opportunity to avoid an indictment, a trial, and all of the devastating consequences that come with a conviction. If you are scheduled to appear for a pre-indictment conference in Morris County, NJ, call our office in Morristown at (908) 336-5008 for a free consultation. You can also contact us online to find the answers you need.
NJ Pre-Indictment Conference Procedure
Before a Pre-Indictment Conference, the prosecutors review police reports and interview victims and witnesses to determine whether the prosecutor’s office should pursue the original charges against a defendant. If the prosecutor finds insufficient evidence, a charge will likely be downgraded to a minor offense, or either dismissed or returned to the municipal court for a hearing. The State will make its plea offer, but if the defendant rejects, the plea offer usually increases in severity.
In the cases of sufficient evidence to prosecute, the prosecutor’s office weighs the seriousness of the crime, the likelihood of conviction, and the cost of the trial. The prosecutor will evaluate those factors and incorporate them into the initial plea bargain at the pre-indictment conference.
During the pre-disposition conference, prosecutors will state the plea offer and provide the defendant with limited discovery. Our criminal defense attorneys conduct our own review of the state’s evidence and advise our clients on the acceptability of the offer versus the risk of proceeding to trial. If the offer is unacceptable, our lawyers will negotiate for a better offer or use our highly effective trial tactics to fight for a dismissal in court.
What Evidence is Available to the Defense at the Pre-Indictment Conference?
‘Limited discovery,’ the information the prosecutor will be using for their Pre-Indictment plea offer, will usually include the strongest evidence the state has against you. However, our experienced criminal defense team will investigate the entire body of evidence to show an authentic reflection of the case. We help our clients use that reflection to make an appropriate decision with regard to any plea agreement. After reviewing the evidence and the plea offer, you and your attorney can discuss the following avenues through which to proceed at the Pre-Indictment Conference: accepting the plea offer, rejecting the plea offer, or negotiating for a more desirable plea arrangement. Each of these decisions has benefits and drawbacks, which is why it is essential to have any attorney with whom you can weigh everything on the table.
Applying for a Diversionary Program at the Early Disposition Conference (EDC)
Before accepting or rejecting the prosecutor’s offer, our criminal defense attorneys will determine your eligibility for a diversionary program such as the Pre-trial Intervention Program (PTI) or Drug Court. If you have no prior criminal record, have not used a diversionary program, and you are charged with a third degree crime or fourth degree non-violent crime, our experienced attorneys may pursue PTI as an option. Drug Court is an alternative for defendants with multiple drug offenses and who struggle with substance abuse. If you successfully complete the PTI or Drug Court programs, the court will dismiss the original charges. Our criminal defense attorneys help our clients apply for diversionary programs and ensure enrollment is approved by the prosecutor and the judge.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Regarding Pre-Indictment Court in Morris County NJ
FAQ: What happens if I accept the State’s plea offer in pre-indictment court? If you accept the deal, then you will plea guilty to the negotiated charge or be admitted into the diversionary program (like PTI) and the case will be over. In Superior Court, if you plea guilty to an indictable (felony) charge you are not sentenced right away. The probation department will conduct a pre-sentence interview with you to get all the information the Judge needs to sentence you properly and then you will return to court in usually 6-8 weeks for sentencing.
FAQ: What happens if I reject the State’s plea offer? Then the case will be presented to the grand jury for an indictment. Once you are indicted, you will appear again in court for an arraignment and the State’s new plea offer will almost always be more severe than the one you rejected in pre-indictment court.
FAQ: Is it possible to negotiate a deal to a disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor)? Possibly in some cases depending on the nature and severity of your charges and your prior criminal history.
Local Morristown NJ Criminal Attorneys Near Me for Pre-Indictment Conference in Morris County, NJ
If you are scheduled to appear for a Pre-Indictment Conference in Morris County, NJ, you need a skilled criminal defense lawyer on your side. At the Tormey Law Firm, our attorneys emphasize the importance of the pre-indictment conference and use all of our knowledge and experience to use these conferences to our client’s advantage. We are passionate about what we do and committed to turning over every rock and pursuing every possible avenue to achieve the best possible result in your case. Whether you have been charged with cocaine possession, intent to distribute heroin, burglary, eluding police, or another offense, we will stop at nothing to obtain a successful resolution. Call (908) 336-5008 for a free consultation with a Morris County criminal defense attorney who can help with your pre-indictment conference.